Wednesday, April 20, 2011


My favorite thing in Richmond was the Petersburg Battlefield because they had a lot of cool sites. My favorite site was a defensive fortification because it showed you the captain's cabin, the soldiers cabin, trenches and canons. Jackson Sargent is my great-great-great-grandfather. He fought there in 1865 and won the medal of honor for carrying the VT flag in the charge.

                                                     Firing the canon

                                                        Loading my weapon

                                                  Playing Confederate soldier

                           Playing Union soldier, trying not to get shot as I charge

My second favorite thing was seeing the Museum of the Confederacy. I liked all the weapons they had there. There were guns and cool swords. I learned that more people died of disease than from bullets. I also learned that in one battle, the Battle of Gettysburg, more soldiers died than have died in the last ten years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq. I also saw two bullets, one from the North, one from the South that collided in mid-air. It is called a rosette because it kind of looks like a rose.

I had dinner with my cousins on two nights. We played with my cousin's iPad. Richmond had lots of history.

                                          My cousins, Gwen, Max and Josh


  1. Most awesome Bean! I've always wanted to visit Virginia and explore the rich history there. Hope you are keeping up with your school work too!
    Wishing you and your family a Happy Easter! Hugs, Ms. G

  2. Hello Jackson Bean,
    Your trip sounds like it is full of adventure.I am excited to be able to follow all of the wonderful memories you're making!!
    Breaking down is hard but you sure will be greatful for everything!
    Your class is in Theme right now. We are on the Light and Sound unit so they just turned the lights stare at Anna's eyes with the light on.Now shut the light off and keep staring quick turn the light back on check out her pupils!!! What did you notice? That's what we are doing. Good luck.Take care. Keep looking for rocks. Peace Ms. LeMay
